
Ternary MSP Platform


The Ternary MSP Platform provides capabilities enabling managed service providers (MSPs) to manage their FinOps practice in a single location and offer industry leading FinOps functionality to their customers.

Getting started

The Ternary MSP Platform is intended for, and restricted to, providers managing the cloud deployment for organizations consuming cloud services. Administrator access to the MSP Platform can only be granted by the Ternary Customer Success team. After being granted access, an MSP’s Ternary Administrator can add/manage users within their organization, customer child tenants and users within the child tenant organizations.

Accessing MSP-specific functionality

Within the Ternary MSP Platform, the MSP-specific functionality can be accessed from the primary navigation on the left of the GUI interface and is organized into 3 primary sections:

  • **Billing Rules Engine** - Adjust billing rates for services supported and delivered by managed service providers.
  • **Customer Management** - Manage child tenants, users, and roles.
  • **MSP Dashboard** - View an overview of cloud consumption, anomalies, savings, integrations, and user activity across child tenants.