MSP Customer Management
The MSP Customer Management section of the Ternary MSP tool suite enables service provider customers the ability to self-service add, modify, manage and child tenants as well as manage users within child tenants.
In addition to being able to manage child tenant users, users of the MSP parent tenant are also managed in this area of the application.
Important: Specific care should be taken when adding users. Inadvertently adding users to the MSP’s parent tenant may grant them access to functionality across all child tenants.
Adding Users to Child Tenants
After a child tenant has been created, users can be added/managed by clicking the 3-dot icon at the far right of the tenant listing and selecting “view users”.
Once you are in the user listing for the specific tenant, you will be able to add, and manage users as well as their individual roles and permissions.
You can be sure that you are within the proper user listing by the ‘bread crumb’ immediately above the user listing table denoting the parent and child tenant.
Child Tenant User Management View
Conversely, when adding/managing users to the MSP parent tenant, this ‘breadcrumb’ is not present and you are presented with the three primary tabs of the MSP tool suite.
MSP Parent Tenant User Management View
Please feel free to contact the Ternary Customer Success team for assistance or if you have questions when adding users or any other aspect of Ternary.
Customer Management - Settings
Service providers have the ability to restrict access to certain parts of Ternary, specifically adding clouds and optimization recommendations, by means of the Settings tab within the Customer Management section of the MSP tool suite.
From within the “Settings” tab slide the selector to the left for any portion of Ternary you would like to prevent child tenants from accessing and click submit.
Note: This selection only removes visibility by the child tenant. Recommendations will continue to be generated and viewable from within the parent tenant and MSP account managers will still have the ability to add clouds to child tenants.
Updated 4 months ago