
Preferred Labels

Frequently, FinOps practitioners, engineers, product and finance teams create reports based on specific Labels that have been applied to resources and projects.

To provide quick and easy access to the set of preferred labels that your end users of Ternary may need we support setting up a list of Preferred Labels that will be moved to the top of the dropdown list in the Ternary Reporting Engine.

We support setting preferred labels for your Billing, Kubernetes, Carbon footprint and BigQuery source data sets.

Setting Preferred Labels

By navigating to the Admin Page => Custom Labels => Selecting Source data => You can select the custom labels you want to have available at the top of your drop down list by clicking each and hitting the Submit button to save the changes.

Once you have set your preferred labels, you can navigate to the Reports page and see the change to your dropdown menu choices.

Permissions for Preferred Labels

You may want to restrict all users from being able to add or remove preferred labels. To fit this use-case, we offer fine-grained permission options.

Permission Options:

  • List Preferred Label - This will allow users to see what preferred labels have been set on various Data Sources but not allow for modification. By default, Regular Users will have the List Preferred Label permission.
  • Preferred Label Admin - This will allow users to not only see what preferred labels have been set but also add or remove preferred labels.
    You can set the permission, for specific users, by navigating to the Admin => Users page => Click the Edit pencil icon => Search for "List Preferred Label" or "Preferred Label Admin".