Global Date Selector
Our global data selector functionality allows you to quickly apply an app-wide date range to use so any page you review will be using that same date range. For example, if you select 90 days in the global date selector, dashboards, reports, insights, commitment planner and all other pages will use 90 days.
This provides an extremely flexible and easy way to ensure you have consistency across Ternary and prevents you from having to change the date range each time you navigate to a new page.
Things to know
Once you have enabled the global date range, on a dashboard, you will see the report date range reflected as the date range you set. For example, if an underlying report was using 30-days and you are using a global date range of 90-days the report will show "90-days".
Underlying reports and dashboards date ranges are not modified. The global date range is only persisted for the length of your Ternary session without changing the underlying existing saved reports or dashboards. When you use the "Share" functionality the global date range will be enforced when the individual who opens the shared link in their browser.
When the global date range is enabled, you will not be able to modify the dates on individual pages or reports. You will need to disable the global date range selector before choosing to use the page specific date ranges.
How to use it
When you first login to Ternary, the global date selector will be disabled by default but you can enable or modify the date range selected in the top navigation bar.

You can click the slider icon which will enable the Global Date range icon and then click the blue icon one more time to open the settings.

We provide some common default date ranges when you open the settings such as 7-days, 30-days, 90-days, Month-to-date, etc. We also provide the ability to set a custom date range if that is required.

Custom date range

If you want to remove the global date range applied it as simple as clicking the toggle button to remove the date range and all pages will use the defaults.

Updated about 1 month ago