Jira Cloud
Our Jira Cloud integration allows for seamless connectivity between Ternary and your Jira account.
With this integration, Ternary Case Management tasks can generate and update a corresponding case/ticket in your Jira account. Updates to things like comments and status in either Ternary or Jira are automatically reflected in both platforms enhancing collaboration, communication and your ability to manage tasks efficiently.

- Regular User or Admin account in your Ternary tenant
- Jira user account with Jira Administrator permissions. Note: It is recommended system user not an actual Jira user for this specific purpose.
Step 1 - Required Information Gathering from Jira
You will need to gather 3 required pieces of information and an optional 4th if your organization uses custom transitions in Jira.
Please confirm with your internal Jira administrator whether or not you use custom transitions at your organization (Jira Documentation on Custom Transitions)
- REQUIRED - Project ID: Project you will integrate with Ternary and push Jira issues/tickets to (Jira documentation on finding Project ID)
- REQUIRED - Email: Email address of the Jira user account used to interact with the Jira API
- REQUIRED - API Token: Jira API token associated with the Jira user account to interact with the Jira API (Jira Documentation on generating API token)
- OPTIONAL - Custom Transition ID: If you do not use the default Jira transitions for an issue you must supply your Custom Transition ID's (Jira Documentation on using workflow editor to find transition IDs)
Transition ID text field example in Jira Workflow Editor:

Step 2 - Configuration in Ternary
Once you have gathered the necessary details from Jira, you can begin configuring the integration in Ternary by following the below steps:
- Navigate and login to your Ternary instance at https://my.ternary.app
- Access Admin page from left hand navigation menu
- Select "Integrations" tab
- Click Configure
- Supply Project ID, Email, API Token and Issue Transition ID(s) in the corresponding fields
- Click configure to submit
- You will receive a prompt from Jira to authorize connection to your Atlassian account and a site to select to Authorize NOTE: You can only configure one Ternary integration per Jira Project otherwise you will receive an error
- Click Accept and you will be redirected back to Ternary
- If it was successful, you will see a filled out configuration modal for Jira with the details you provided on the Admin => Integrations page
Step 3 - Using Jira Integration in Ternary
Once you have successfully configured the integration, you will now have a "Link to Jira" option available from anywhere you can create a case in Ternary. You can also create comments and take actions from Jira that will sync back to Ternary Case Management in near real-time.
- Navigate to any page that supports Ternary Case Management case creation
- Click the square box with paper and pencil icon from right hand side
- The pop-up window will have a "Link to Jira" option to create the issue in Jira
- Once the case has been created, click your user account in the top right hand corner and select "Cases" from the dropdown Note: It will take 15-30 seconds to populate any comment made in Jira into Ternary
- For any case, that has been linked to Jira, you will see an "External Link" icon in the top right hand corner that will take you directly to the Jira case. There will also be a link from Jira back to Ternary to the case to easily collaborate.
- There is bi-directional communication so any comments left in Jira will sync with Ternary Case Management enabling real-time collaboration
- Once you transition the issue to a "Done" state the case will be closed in Ternary as well and/or if you close the case in Ternary it will transition the Jira issue to a "Done" state
Step-by-step visuals for configuring the integration
Accessing Ternary and the Integrations page:

Configuring integration with Jira:

Example filled out Jira configuration:

Atlassian authorization page upon clicking Configure:

Select the Jira site to Authorize (where project you are integrating resides):

Successful configuration on Admin page:

Using the integration in Ternary
Link to Jira option, after successful configuration, while creating a case:

Example corresponding issue created in Jira from Ternary:

Bi-directional communication between Ternary case and Jira issue:

Updated about 2 months ago