
Amazon EBS

Storage Visibility Summary

Purpose: This section is designed to give you a high level overview of what you are spending on EBS storage volumes as well as snapshots

Aggregate Costs Parameters:

  • Payer Account ID: This is the sum of your daily costs for EBS rolled up at the Master Payer Account level.
  • Storage Media: This is the sum of your daily costs for EBS rolled up by storage type such as SSD-backed.
  • Region: This is the sum of your daily costs for EBS rolled up per Region such as us-east-2, us-west-2, etc.

Usage Parameters:

  • Volume Storage: Sum of GB being used per Region.
  • IOPS: Sum of the volume Read/Write operations per Region.
  • Throughput: Sum of volume throughput per Region.
  • Read/Write: Sum of volume Read/Write bytes per Region.
  • Snapshot Storage: Sum of Snapshot GB's being used per Region.

Storage Visibility table summary

Table Columns:

  • Payer Account ID: Master Payer Account that the EBS storage usage is rolled up to
  • Region: Region that the EBS storage usage is rolled up to
  • Volume Count: Number of unique EBS volumes identified per region
  • Snapshot Count: Number of unique EBS snapshots identified per region
  • Volume Usage (avg): The average usage of EBS volumes in the region (Total EBS storage / # of volumes)
  • Snapshots Usage (avg): The average usage of EBS snapshots in the region (Total EBS snapshot storage / # of volumes)
  • $ Snapshot: The average cost per snapshot (Total EBS snapshot cost / # of snapshots)
  • $ Storage: The average cost per per storage volume (Total EBS volumes cost / # of volumes)
  • $ Operations: The average cost of Operations (R/W)
  • $ Cost: The average total cost of Snapshots AND Storage


By clicking the ellipsis (3 dots) next to any row in the table you can view the relevant details per volume/snapshot and export the data to CSV. This allows you to do additional, in-depth analysis related to specific volumes or snapshots of interest.

Details table columns:

  • Volume Name: Resource ID for volume or snapshot
  • Linked Account ID: Linked account where the volume/snapshot was used
  • Type: Type of storage volume such as SSD, General Purpose, etc
  • Storage Bytes: Amount of storage used
  • Read (Seconds): Amount of Reads per second used
  • Write (Seconds): Amount of writes per second used
  • Read IOPS
  • Write OPS
  • Volume Size: total size of EBS volume
  • Throughput ByteS: Amount of throughput bytes used
  • $ Storage: Cost of volume/snapshot
  • $ Operations: Cost of operations
  • $ Total: Total cost of Storage and Operations

Storage Optimization Summary

Purpose: To provide a high level overview of your EBS volume recommendations for cost savings.

Optimizations parameters:

  • Current Recommendations: Total amount of savings available
  • Past Recommendations: Total amount of past savings available
  • Total Current Recommendations: Total number of available recommendations
  • Total MTD Spend: Total Month-to-Date spend in AWS EBS
  • Change from this time last month: Comparison of your previous Month-to-Date spend vs Current-to-Date spend in AWS EBS.