
AWS Commitments

Supported types

Reserved Instances (RIs)Savings Plans (SPs)
EC2 InstanceCompute SP
ElastiCacheEC2 Instance


Purpose: This section is designed to give you a high level overview of your existing AWS RI/SP portfolio.

Commitment KPIs:

  • Total Commitments: Number of active commitments you have with AWS
  • Total Realized Savings: Amount of money you have saved, over On-Demand, as a result of consuming the
  • Total Unrealized Savings: Amount of vacancy in Reserved Instance/Savings Plans that were not consumed. Total unused RI hours or SP commitment * On-Demand cost
  • Effective Savings Rate: SUM(On-Demand Rate - Committed Rate (effective rate)) / SUM(On-Demand Rate)
  • Utilization: Percentage of unused RI Hours or SP dollars in the selected time period. For example, if you have $10/hour Savings Plan commitment and your usage billed with Savings Plan rates total $9.80 for the hour, your utilization for that hour is 98% percent.
  • Commitment Coverage: Percentage of all your eligible Usage Hours covered by Savings Plans or Reserved Instances.

Coverage Details:

  • SP Cost: Daily cost of your Savings Plan. For example, $1/hour in a Compute Savings Plan would be $24/day.
  • RI cost: Daily cost of your Reserved Instance.
  • On-Demand cost: Daily cost of your On-Demand usage.
  • Unused RI/SP Commitment: Cost of unused RI/SP usage hours or hourly $ commit

Daily Cost Comparison:

  • Amount of dollars saved or lost from your RIs/SPs over a given day.

The table below contains each Reserved Instance or Savings Plan with additional details about how that specific commitment is performing. You can scroll right on the table to see the realized savings, unrealized savings, utilization percentage, status, purchase date and expiration date for each commitment in your portfolio.




If you are new to buying AWS Reserved Instances or Savings Plans it can be quite overwhelming. This knowledge base will give a brief overview of our AWS Committed Use planner which provides visibility into your existing portfolio to showcase realized savings, unrealized savings, savings rate and utilization. We also provide an optimizations page to identify how many Reserved Instances or Savings Plans you could buy and the overall potential impact to your bill.

Before we get started, for this feature to be available and have complete functionality, you will need the below specific IAM permissions associated with the IAM role you created during the AWS configuration process. We provide copies, on our public GitHub repository, of our CloudFormation Template and Terraform script for complete transparency about what permissions are required:


Please review the IAM role for Ternary in your AWS console to confirm the above permissions are included. Once they are enabled, it may take 24-hours to populate data in the UI as we will gather data upon the next successful billing data ingestion.