
You can integrate Ternary with Datadog to ingest metrics, powering such features as the Reporting Engine's Unit Economics.


  • Follow our API Authentication guide to get an Access Token or Ternary API Key.

Please provide the following for Ternary to begin interacting with Datadog's programmatic API.

  1. Datadog API Key - follow these instructions to create a Datadog API Key; the required key string for this onboarding should be a 32-character hex value (not to be confused with the key ID).
  2. Datadog Application Key - follow these instructions to create a Datadog Application Key;
  3. The required key string for this onboarding should be a 40-character hex string.
  4. Example Metric(s) - choose at least one metric from your Datadog account, along with Tag Keys for grouping, and any filters to be applied prior to ingestion.

Create a Datadog Integration

-H "Authorization: Bearer ${TERNARY_ACCESS_TOKEN}"  
-d '  
  "datadog": {  
    "apiKey": "<MY-API-KEY>",  
    "appKey": "<MY-APP-KEY>",  
    "metrics": {  
      "<MY-METRIC-1>": {  
        "displayName": "\<OPTIONAL:MY-METRIC-DISPLAY-NAME-1>",  
        "filter": "\<OPTIONAL:MY-GROUPING-TAG-KEY-1>",  
        "groupings": [  
      "<MY-METRIC-2>": {  
        "displayName": "\<MY-METRIC-DISPLAY-NAME-2",  
        "filter": "\<OPTIONAL:MY-METRIC-FILTER-2>",  
        "groupings": [  

Update a Datadog Integration

To update a Datadog Integration, it is easiest to first fetch the integration by API, then make your changes, and submit the updated JSON document through an HTTP PUT request.

-H "Authorization: Bearer ${TERNARY_ACCESS_TOKEN}"  
-X PUT  


  1. What are metric groupings?
    Metric groupings are Datadog Tag Keys which are used to disaggregate data into multiple time series. For example, for a metric units.sold that supports the tags fruit and material, if both tags are specified as groupings for the Ternary Datadog integration, then a separate time series will be ingested for each of the following tag combinations:
    • fruit:apple,material:nylon
    • fruit:apple,material:steel
    • fruit:mango,material:nylon
    • fruit:mango,material:steel
    • etc.
  2. What are metric filters?
    Metric filters let you limit the time series which is ingested to Ternary. In the above example, adding a filter fruit:apple would cause Ternary to only ingest data that has been tagged apple for the key fruit. Learn more about Datadog's advanced filter syntax here.