
MSP Billing Rules Engine


The Billing Rules Engine includes a set of tools enabling service providers (with the appropriate role/permission assignment(s)) to adjust the pricing and cost reflected in individual child tenant environments to accurately reflect what the end customers will see in their bill. The engine enables providers to create rules adjusting pricing up or down to reflect negotiated pricing that may not be reflected in the automated billing export from the cloud provider. Created rules can be applied to individual, multiple or all child tenants. In addition, multiple rules can be applied to individual tenants.

If you are not able to access the Billing Rules Engine and believe that you should have access, please contact your organization’s Ternary administrator for access.

Create a rule

To add a new rule set select “Create Rule Set” from the upper right of the “Billing Rules Engine” page.

Assign a name for your new rule set as well as a start date for the rule set to be in effect. (You may enter an end date but it is not required.)

After naming and defining the date range for the set, add at least one rerating rule within the rule set. Each new rule in the set must:
Be assigned a name,
Define what is to be re-rated (cost or credits),
Define weather to rerate off of the price in the billing file or based on list price
And the uplift or discount from the cost basis (billed or list pricing). To rerate to list pricing check “Adjust to list” with a 0% offset.
Add filters to limit which billing entries rerating applies to.
Define which tenants the rule is to be applied to. (Note: As additional tenants are added over time, existing rules can be edited to add additional tenants. If “Apply to all tenants” is selected, any future tenants will automatically adhere to the rule)

Multiple rules in a single billing set will be executed in the order they appear from top to bottom. The order of rules can be changed by clicking the up and down arrows at the right of the rule name.

When viewing reports generated by/within the Ternary Reporting Engine or Cost Reports, only rerated costs will be visible to child tenant users.