

Build custom reports for detailed cost analysis.

We know that organizations have diverse reporting needs. Often times different stakeholders want to get visibility into areas that are relevant to their org and/or function in the business.

With Ternary, you have access to more reporting measures, can group with multiple labels, export the data into a CSV or PDF, and share with stakeholders in your organization.

Time period comparison in the Ternary Reporting Engine.

  • Navigate to Ternary Reporting Engine
  • Select your Measure, Groupings and Filters
  • On the tool bar to select Chart type, Granularity and Date Range select the Granularity for comparison (Hour/Day/Week/Month), the date range and click the Compare slider
  • Click the Run Report Icon
  • In the graph, you should now see the 2 previous period on the graph denoted with a dotted line
  • You will also see, in the table, the difference in $'s and Percentage in the bottom row

Compare Button:

Example Graph representation:

Example Table representation:

Navigating Ternary Reporting Engine (TRE)

You can access the Reporting Engine through the side nav, where you'll see two options:

  • Reports
  • Dashboards

Building Your First Dashboard

A Dashboard is a collection of Reports. Each Report you build acts a widget that you can drop into one or more Dashboards.

Create a new Report

Once you click on the 'Report' button on the side navigation you'll be redirected to this page where you can create a Report:

Step 1: Pick a Measure

To start pick a measure. You have four measures available to you:

  • Cost - this measure reflects your gross cost WITHOUT any credits and promotions.
    • Note: Altering the Credits column on the right will have NO IMPACT on the this Cost measure
  • NetCost - this incorporates all of your credit and promotion types. This measure WILL BE impacted by the Credits column to the right. When you 'unselect' any of the credit types it will not include in the costs displayed in the report.
  • Usage -This is the usage associated with a particular line item. For instance, if you want to understand how many Gibibytes of Storage you were billed, you would pick the usage measure.
  • AbsoluteCredits - This is the absolute value of all your credits. It's way to visualize all the credits you're receiving.

Step 2: Select a Grouping

Under 'Groupings' you have anything that's available in the billing export, as well as labels you created natively in the GCP Billing Console, and Custom Labels that exist in Ternary.

Preferred Labels: Any preferred labels, you have set in the Admin page, will be surfaced at the top of the dropdown list when you select "Add". You can modify your preferred labels from the Admin page => Labels.

Note: Example of Billing Export Data:

  • SKU Description
  • Project ID
  • Service Description
  • Billing Account ID
  • Category

Step 3: Select a Filter

You can then select a label to filter your data. You have a few different operators available to you when filtering:

  • Equals / Does NOT Equal
  • Contains / Does NOT Contain
  • Is set / Is NOT Set

Step 4: Select Date Range

The default Report shows you thirty (30) days, but you can customize any date range.

Step 5: Pick Invoice Month vs. Usage Start

The data defaults using usage start, but you can select whether the data shows up in invoice month or usage start. To reconcile with your monthly Cloud provider invoice, you should select invoice month.

Step 6: Choose Credit Granularity (Optional)

GCP provides customers with different types of credits that are classified accordingly in your bill. Here, you can select the credit measure that you would like to get applied to your Report. Note: If you want the credits to be impact your report, you NEED to select the 'NetCost' measure as outlined in Step 1.

Step 7: Choose Type of Chart (Optional)

The Report defaults into a Line chart, but you can chose either a stacked bar visual or a table.

Step 8: Save Report

After you've customized your Report, you can save it and a pop up will appear asking you to title the Report for later reference or for use in a dashboard.

Viewing Reports & Other Functionality

After you've built a report following the above steps, you can do a few things with the data:

  1. View Time Series Data All charts (line & stacked bar) have an associated time series data based on the date range you selected.

  2. Export time series data or table data into CSV or PDF - REPORT MUST BE SAVED

  3. Open a previously built Report

  4. Start over and build a new Report

  5. Save a copy of existing Report

  6. Share Report

  7. Adjust granularity on chart (by default we show you daily, but you can go as low as hourly and as high as monthly)

Creating a New Dashboard

After you've created your Reports you can use them to to create a customized dashboard. You can access the Dashboards under the Reporting Engine on the side navigation.

Step 1: Create New Dashboard and Give it a Name

Step 2: Select Reports to Drop into Dashboards.

To add a Report to your Dashboard, simply click on the 'Add Report' button where you'll see the following modal pop-up. This modal has a list of all the Reports that you've created. Simply select the Report and add it to your Dashboard.

Step 3: Save Dashboard.

Viewing Existing Dashboards & Other Functionality

  1. View Existing Dashboards. Once you click into dashboards from the side navigation, it will give you a list of dashboards that you've created before.

  2. Edit / Delete Dashboards

  3. Save a Dashboard as a Copy: Note: You should give it a different name for easy reference later

  4. Access Reports from Dashboard Widget: You can directly go to the Reports page from the Dashboard widget by clicking on the title of the Report - here you can edit and make changes to the Report which then be reflected in the Dashboard if explicitly saved.

  5. Dashboard Filter: This allows you to set the date range as a filter across all the reports on the Dashboard without modifying the underlying reports. If you want the filter to remain, you must hit Save.